My Thoughts on: Trolls (2016)

Well, as the saying goes, better late to the party than never! Four years after its release to theaters, I finally sat down and watched DreamWorks animated film Trolls. As I recall, I skipped this film because, well, it was November 2016 and certain things were happening, and I just never got around to checking it out as I wasn’t really feeling the vibes of this film. However, when I saw that a sequel would be coming out this spring, I decided to give Trolls a chance.

And wow, what a cute, amazing, adorable film! I admit, I wasn’t exactly keen on the premise of a movie based on the Trolls toys I played with when I was a little kid, but the studio really makes it work. There’s a believable backstory, a sensible plot, and even a satisfying twist in the third act (albeit one that’s slightly telegraphed in hindsight, but it is a children’s movie so I’ll let it slide).


In brief, Trolls follows the titular characters as they escape the clutches of the Bergens, a perpetually unhappy group who believe that eating trolls is the only way to feel even a glimmer of happiness. 20 years after their initial escape, the Bergens recapture most of the trolls, and Princess Poppy (Anna Kendrick), along with a somewhat reluctant Branch (Justin Timberlake), take it upon themselves to rescue them. Comedic adventures ensue.

I think my favorite part of Trolls, adorable animation aside, is the awesome soundtrack. This is the kind of film you can jump up and dance to, or at least tap your feet to. Having Justin Timberlake in the cast was great, although for a minute or two I was legitimately convinced that he would go the entire film without singing (oh the irony). And really the rest of the cast is awesome too, with Anna Kendrick and Zooey Deschanel among my favorites. I also have to give a shoutout to Christine Baranski as Chef, she makes an awesome villain.


If you still haven’t seen Trolls, I highly recommend it. It’s a little over 90 minutes of adorable, quirky fun and I’m glad I finally checked it out after all this time.

Let me know what you think about Trolls in the comments below and have a great night!

See also:

My Thoughts on: Trolls World Tour (2020)

Animated Film Reviews

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1 thought on “My Thoughts on: Trolls (2016)

  1. Pingback: My Thoughts on: Trolls World Tour (2020) | Film Music Central

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