Avengers: Infinity War-Review (no spoilers)

*note: I will try to keep any and all spoilers out of this review but just in case I slip up here is the standard “possible spoilers from the movie may follow, do not read unless you have seen Avengers: Infinity War.”

Wow. Wow. Oh my god they went there. It’s been just over 12 hours since I sat down to watch Avengers: Infinity War, the culmination of a story that began with Iron Man in 2008 and my head is still reeling from everything that happened. This will actually be the first of two reviews I do for the film. This one will just cover my general impressions and try to avoid all spoilers. Later, once it’s safe to discuss the nitty gritty details, I’ll post another review where I discuss everything.

First of all, believe the hype about this movie, this is everything we were promised and more. There are surprises you will not see coming, some are awesome, some…not so much. I’m still in shock over where the movie left us. I mean, I speculated that they might do this, but I didn’t actually think they would, but oh my god they did (and that’s all I can say for now on that).


It was thrilling to see all the different character interactions. Tony’s interactions with Doctor Strange and Star-Lord are everything you’d expect them to be (and are indeed some of my favorite funny moments). And speaking of funny, there are a number of humorous lines in this story that definitely does not feel like a 2 hour and 40 minute film. It was also great to re-visit Wakanda so soon after seeing Black Panther.


What I want to talk about most right now is Josh Brolin’s performance as Thanos because he completely blew me away. There is such a depth to Thanos as he travels to collect the Infinity Stones that I never expected to see. Despite being a mad Titan, in many ways he’s very human and he quickly became a favorite character in the story. Like Loki and Erik Killmonger (two of my favorite Marvel villains), there are layers to Thanos and he has his reasons for being the way he is. The most frightening thing about this villain is he genuinely believes he’s doing the right thing, that the universe will thank him when it’s all over. That’s downright scary (and a complete contrast to Loki who, it was noted by Coulson “lacked conviction” during his assault on New York City). Thanos does not lack conviction.

I think that’s all I can talk about for now, I don’t dare spoil this film for anyone (that would be cruel). All I can say is, go see Avengers: Infinity War as soon as you can and prepare to be amazed. It shouldn’t be too long before I’m able to publish a full review that talks about everything, so for now, do NOT let me know what you thought about the film in the comments (I want to avoid spoilers at all costs) and have a great day!

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10 thoughts on “Avengers: Infinity War-Review (no spoilers)

  1. Sean

    Thanos was awesome. Is there any full-CG character that has been even more real? He’s got to be right at the top of the list. The movie is made by that performance by Brolin and the effects team.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: My thoughts on: Avengers: Infinity War (spoilers!!) | Film Music Central

  3. amar

    Infinity War does what it sets out to do, and does it in a pleasant and diverting enough manner. The film moves briskly through its runtime, light on it feet. Perhaps a little too light.And that was really nice review without any spoilers.


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